Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Journal Post 2: Favorite Movie

     One of my favorite movies is Saving Private Ryan because it is one of the greatest war films ever made. It is rated online by some of the nation’s top movie critics as one of the best, if not the best, war films of all time. The plot is elaborate and intriguing, the acting is superb, and the action seems like it never stops. However, the reason why I like Saving Private Ryan the most is that it has meaning and significance beyond just WWII battles like other war films. It is about a group of soldiers trying to save Private Ryan because all of his brothers died in the war and the government sent out a group of soldiers on a humanitarian mission to recover him before he perished as well.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Journal Post 1B: The Believing Game - SOPA, Against

Though it seems like the act is a great thing that would do nothing but good, it comes with many problems. The main problem of the act is the potential for a “big brother” like country. SOPA allows the government to access all internet activity from your computer, and then control what websites you can view.  Many worry that if the act passes, the government will start to attach laws onto the bill. They will be able to filter whatever they want from the public and have control over the world’s most powerful utility, the internet.

Journal Post 1A: The Believing Game - SOPA, For

                The Stop Online Piracy Act or SOPA, was originally proposed to end the illegal, counterfeit downloads over the internet. It gives the US law enforcement the ability to block websites that have pirated downloads and search engines that guide users to these downloads.  The government blocks the websites by banning it through American ISPs, or internet service providers. In other words, the ISPs will be stopped from allowing users to browse the websites that the government will choose. The act would be a great tool that would benefit the American film and music industry and would stop the pirating of software.


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